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Find The One That Suits You
Think about modest and comfortable retirement lifestyles
In the retirement stage of life, it is important to be able to afford a modest lifestyle.
For example
Retirement is a time for exploring and discovering the world. If you’ve always wanted to explore different cultures, or see what other countries have to offer then this might be an option for you!
Retirement might be a time to reflect and relax but it’s also an opportunity for reinvention! You may want to work part-time or start volunteering at your favorite charity around the world.
If you’re looking for a little more independence in your life, then retirement communities may be the right fit.
Retirement might give you more freedom than ever before – to travel, explore new hobbies or learn new skills.
Retirement may bring some stress with it. If you haven’t saved enough for retirement or neglected your investments, then this is a stressful time that could affect your overall health and happiness too.