Best Pets for Seniors: 12 Types of Furry Friends

Best Pets for Seniors

Pets are often considered a regular companion for humans. Best pets for seniors are furry friends that are easy to care for, don’t require a lot of exercise, and can be handled without any assistance. They also need to be socialized with humans and other animals so they’re not afraid of strangers or loud noises.

In this post, I will discuss different popular pets people love to have and the various types of breeds they come in! So make sure you read on if you want to know more about your new furry friend that’s perfect just for YOU!

What are the benefits of having a pet for elderly people?

There are lots of benefits for elderly people to have a pet in the house. They are often company for seniors and best friends when they need them most.

  • Pets can help alleviate loneliness, as pets will keep their owners company even if no other humans are around.
  • Older adults with dogs or cats tend to do better emotionally than those without, according to one study by the University of Missouri.
  • Pets can also be a great emotional outlet for seniors who are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, as they will allow their owners to take out pent-up frustration on them without judgment.
  • Having a pet can help with loneliness and depression in older adults because it provides social support that gives them an opportunity to form a relationship.
  • Pets can also help with anxiety because they are excellent listeners and will always be there for their owners, even if no one else is around to offer support.
  • Cats in particular have been found to decrease stress levels by replacing the need for a human or animal companion who might not be available at all times.

In psychological studies, participants are asked to answer questions on a survey about their lifestyle and residential location.  The goal of these surveys is for researchers to find out whether there is a correlation between pet ownership and mental health.

It turns out that there is a link between pet ownership in the seniors’ ages 65+ and their psychological well-being, as shown by answers to questions on the survey about socialization, loneliness, depression, etc.

Studies have found that people who live alone or are more socially isolated tend to suffer from higher rates of depression and increased loneliness.  It has also been found that people who have a pet, such as a cat or a dog, tend to experience fewer symptoms of these mental health issues because they are much more involved in their day-to-day routines thanks to the presence of their animal best friend.

# Dogs

Dogs are great companions and their unconditional love is priceless. But if you’re an older adult, it’s important to consider your physical condition when choosing a dog for yourself. Your health and lifestyle will affect how well you can care for the pup so make sure they match up–find what type of canine best fits your needs! The article, “Best Emotional Support Dogs: 12 breeds for Seniors and Retirees,” might help you to learn more about the different emotional dog breeds.

Some of the most popular dog breeds are as follows:

*Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a small and curious herding dog that was originally bred to work alongside farmers. The breed has a great mind, trainability, intelligence, and agility which makes them easy for anyone to own as long they are willing to provide the necessary care required by this high-energy pup.

These dogs can be found in shelters or rescue groups because of their popularity among owners who have busy lifestyles but still want an active companion around – whether it’s walking on their morning commute with you or playing games at home after your day ends! Therefore, this can be one of the best pets for seniors.

*French Bulldog

These low-maintenance French Bulldogs are perfect for seniors who need a pup to keep them company and take care of their needs. They’re small, quiet, don’t require much exercise or space – the best pet an old person could ask for!

French Bulldogs make great pets because they can be good companions in this busy world where we all have commitments outside our homes. These dogs love attention but will not nag you if it goes away; that makes them ideal senior dogs since many older adults find themselves with less mobility than when they were young adults.

*Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The English-bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small breed dog that thrives off of having an energetic and playful personality. They have been around for many centuries, dating back to the 1600s yet are still popular today! It’s no wonder why this little pup would make you feel like royalty when they greet you with their best tricks or even lay at your feet while reading a book by yours truly. Who doesn’t want such loyalty from either person or pet?

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel may be one of the oldest toy breeds in history but don’t let them fool ya!! This tiny pup has all sorts of energy and loves to get into mischief so it will be just as happy playing catch outside as snuggling up to you on the couch.

# Cats

Cats are great for people who love to take it slow. They’re a little less demanding than some other animals and best of all, they come with the most adorable purr you can imagine!

Some popular cat breeds include:

*American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are affectionate, sociable cats that make excellent companions for people who love to cuddle. They also keep your home free of pests according to Pets4Homes— what more could you ask in a perfect pet?

What type of cat would best suit an elderly person or someone with disabilities? American shorthair cats! These felines play well and have the patience needed for long hours spent on-the-couch. And they’re not just good at waiting around; these guys also deter pesky mice and other critters from even coming near your house due to their natural hunting instinct!


If you happen to be a senior and looking for an easy-going feline companion, then Birman cats are the perfect choice. They like being around other people so they’re always up for playing games or snuggling on your lap; no matter what time of day it is! Just don’t forget that these furry friends need some attention every now and again too – after all, we wouldn’t want them getting bored out of their wits by themselves in retirement.

*British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is one of the most popular breeds in America. They are very calm and don’t like to be carried around by people who aren’t their owners. Some would say they’re perfect for senior citizens because older adults often have less energy than other types of cats, which means that it doesn’t take as much time or effort to always play with them – a great trait if you happen to lack either!

# Birds

When it comes to pets, dogs and cats are often a popular choice for seniors who live at home. However, not everyone has the money or resources required in order to provide care for an animal like this- so many people end up choosing birds as their pet! Birds can be great companions because they don’t make too much noise and all you really need is love (and food of course!). They’re also perfect if someone lives alone since most birds only require about 1 square foot per bird–they’re relatively small animals that do well with smaller living spaces!

Popular pet birds include Budgies, Zebra Finches, Parrotlets etc. Let’s know about these.


Budgies are one of the best pets for seniors because they stimulate the senses and provide company. Budgies, with their noisy chatter as well as bright colors, heighten activity in time-slowing minds to bring happiness to these individuals that have reached an age where many people around them pass away at rapid rates.

*Zebra Finches

Zebra finches are birds that need to be in a group of three or four. They make soft noises and people like to watch them fly around their cage, but they also enjoy being let out into the open air for short periods of time! These little gems can live comfortably in big spaces where there’s plenty of room for an extensive birdcage – perfect homes include those with huge outdoor yards.


Parrotlets are the smallest of all pet parrots. These birds can be sassy and make noise sometimes, but they do well in homes with people who have a sensitivity to noise. Parrotlets love hiding in pockets and on shoulders, as well as knowing their name! They may become nippy or aggressive if not handled often by humans – socialization is key for these creatures when it comes to human interaction. Nevertheless, once bonded with you after rescue an older bird will outlive its new owner thanks to life expectancy up until 30 years old!

Parparletts are small species that stand about 10 inches tall at full maturity which makes them one of the most popular pets among those wanting something smaller than a macaw yet still want a bird. These birds are delightfully playful with an affectionate personality. It’s no wonder they’re one of the best pet choices if you like having a pair!

# Fish

Fish are caring and patient creatures that make great companions. They require little care, about 10 minutes a day to feed them and clean their tank, so they can spend all the time you want with them. Fish have personalities too! You might find your fish is hyperactive or shy; it’s hard not to fall in love with these adorable pets given such an easy lifestyle!

There are many popular fish types. Some of these include:

*Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens)

Betta fish are a type of exotic freshwater tropical species that have beautiful colors and fins. They need care to stay happy and healthy, but luckily betta owners can keep them in houses with water! Betta Fish love living in small tanks or aquariums where they only require minimal food sources as well as some space- it’s the perfect way for humans to spend their time together while being animal lovers at heart!

*Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

The guppy is a fish that has been popular for aquarium enthusiasts for years. The long-lived, prolific breed lives in tropical pools of South America and the Caribbean. Luckily with their ability to store sperm and lay eggs, people can quickly start up an entire school by starting out with just one!

*White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes)

White Cloud Mountain Minnows are one of the most common aquarium fish for beginners because they can be kept in cold water tanks without needing to heat, or lower temperature tropical tanks with a pH range slightly acidic to neutral and alkaline. These tough little creatures only require a minimum tank size of 8″ or more that is not too hot or cold as well as some basic conditions such as an acidity level between mildly acidic and moderately alkaline. White Clouds live up to five years in captivity!

People and their pets are so close that they often consider each other to be a member of the family. Whether your pet is furry, scaly or feathered, it’s important to love them unconditionally for who they are! Remember that having a pet can have many benefits like stress relief and company when you need it most.

What type of animal would you want as a companion? If you’re thinking about getting a new pet, make sure to do your research on which type best suits you!


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